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 3 hunters

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MessageSujet: 3 hunters   3 hunters EmptyVen 16 Fév à 21:21

There are 3 hunters in the woods, they're all telling each other what they’re
going to shoot. The first one says he's going to get a buck. So he goes out and
comes back with a buck. Then the other 2 hunters ask how he did it and he says,
''I see tracks I follow tracks I get buck''. So the second hunter says "I'm
going to get a doe." So he goes out and comes back with a doe. Then the 3rd
hunter asks him how he did it. The 2nd hunter says, ''I see tracks I follow
tracks I get doe''. So the 3rd hunter says, ''I'm just going to shoot at
anything I see''. So he goes out and comes back half a day later all beaten
bruised bloody and totally trashed. And the other two hunters ask what happened
and he says, ''I see tracks I follow tracks, I get hit by train!''

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